Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Shutterbug 01: Footprints in Paris...

As I am finally back in Malaysia *grin* It is time for me to share with you all my escapades in Europe. A series of 'shutterbug' pictures will slowly make its appearance on this blog as time progresses...

Let me introduce some photos taken in Paris this time...

Paris was, as envisioned, a wonderful city with character - and I feel priveleged to be able to walk through its narrow streets with my ever beautiful Hwa beside me. We walked around the feet of the Eiffel, climbed the steep steps of Montmartre, gazed under the vaulted ceilings beneath Notre Dame de Paris and walked in the footsteps of art lovers at the Louvre...

So here are 3 pictures for your consumption.

The onion domes of the Sacred Heart with the Montmartre Art district in the foreground. Near here is the Salvador Dali Museum (of which Hwa adores and I look around in confusion), Le Chad Noir (the Black Cat) and the Paris street painters.

The 'Vaults of Heaven' within the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. The details of the windows are amazing, together with the frieze surrounding the choir and the statues of French saints and tombs of people of note.

On the pathway to the Louvre Museum... The Louvre was the royal seat of the French kings from the medieval period (this was the site of a chateau or castle) right up until Louis the XIV, Le Roi Soleil, who moved it to Versailles. It was given to the French people as a Museum and now houses works like Da Vinci's Mona Lisa and artifacts like the Winged Victory of Samothrace from the Greek ruins in the Mediterrainean.

That is all for now... I will put up more pictures really soon.


Anonymous said...

Hello sir- I am sorry is an odd form of contact, but I could not find your email address.

I am a high school student making a research wiki project regarding Notre Dame de Paris cathedral. I was wondering if I could have your permission to distribute-and only distribute- your picture above in a wiki I will be creating. If so, how should I cite it? Thanks!

Mad Cow said...

Just go ahead and use it. If you want you can cite that it is from this site.

Cheers! If I have replied really late its because I have been taking a hiatus from blogging.

Cheers! and good luck!