Its all about the party - stupid!
This post is about all the political shenanigans in Perak.
It has always been a well known fact that in Malaysia - when you vote, it is all about the party. From the 'Dacing' to the 'Roket' to the 'Bulan'. It is all about the party. So - when people who most people cannot remember their names changes their 'emblem' - it leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
I have never agreed that elected representatives defect from one party to another. I never agreed that Anwar's insinuations of doing it last September and I have never agreed of Najib doing it today.
It sets a bad precedence! These people are TRAITORS! I cannot believe that Hee, who claimed to be a DAP member for 22 years would forever tarnish her name for such a move! A traitor is always a traitor - untrusted, unloved... the scum of the earth.
Now, if 30 BN reps cross over to Anwar - the BN has no more moral high ground. Any anti-hopping law is a sham! This may turn out to be a Pyrrhic Victory... if Anwar does get the numbers - BN may just get swept away by the seeds they have just sown.
However, this also gives me pause regarding the quality and integrity of the PR politicians we have voted into office. If their loyalty can be swayed - how can they truly say that they serve the rakyat who put them in office?
I truly fear for this country of ours...