Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Shutterbug 02: In a house of god...

Notre Dame de Paris...

A great brooding edifice stands upon the end of the island,
its haughty towers looks upon the throng below...
Craning their necks to catch a glimpse
of the fabled creatures of legend...

Creatures of horror, Chimeras
Looking upon the mortals below...

A view of Paris facing Montmartre (and the Sacred Heart) from the Gallery of Chimeras atop Notre Dame. The journey up involves a 400+ step spiral staircase.

Cool and dark.
The 1st impressions of Notre Dame's cavenous interior.
It seems almost forbidding...

Flicker. Flicker.
A sea of waving flames, caressed by the draught of people entering.
Peace... & Awe

An altar with a cross... with an embossed INRI at the head of the cross...
Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.

Hwa lights a candle... and we prayed...

Notre Dame de Paris has one of the world's oldest surviving stained glass windows (in its original context)

The stained glass windows were removed during WWII to prevent German bombing and replaced after the war...

This is all for now... once again if you are after more piccies - go visit the RSD site! *grin*


Sunday, October 29, 2006

Ops Hempit 01

Enough is enough...

Yesterday was once again a day that shows the developing illegal and absolutely stupid culture of the Mat Rempits - or rather the pathetic motocycle gangs of low cc bikes. Another one of my close friends was harassed by the pathetic people - and she arrived at her home with a battered car and totally shaken. That brings a total of 5 people in my circle of friends that has a close encounter with a Rempit gang (not including myself - a small incident of them trying to cut in front of me but were no match for my 2500cc XG down the LDP)


Announcing - mirroring the police Ops Sikap - OPS HEMPIT 01... (basically OPS SQUASH 01)

We need to fight back - have no qualms now my friend - if they try to batter ur car - don't try and rush off... accelerate and break and knock these idiots off their bikes... if they get run over - they would be the best roadkill decoration on top of The Star's front page!!!


Confiscate their bikes and cross us not - we will confiscate ur lives...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Shutterbug 01: Footprints in Paris...

As I am finally back in Malaysia *grin* It is time for me to share with you all my escapades in Europe. A series of 'shutterbug' pictures will slowly make its appearance on this blog as time progresses...

Let me introduce some photos taken in Paris this time...

Paris was, as envisioned, a wonderful city with character - and I feel priveleged to be able to walk through its narrow streets with my ever beautiful Hwa beside me. We walked around the feet of the Eiffel, climbed the steep steps of Montmartre, gazed under the vaulted ceilings beneath Notre Dame de Paris and walked in the footsteps of art lovers at the Louvre...

So here are 3 pictures for your consumption.

The onion domes of the Sacred Heart with the Montmartre Art district in the foreground. Near here is the Salvador Dali Museum (of which Hwa adores and I look around in confusion), Le Chad Noir (the Black Cat) and the Paris street painters.

The 'Vaults of Heaven' within the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. The details of the windows are amazing, together with the frieze surrounding the choir and the statues of French saints and tombs of people of note.

On the pathway to the Louvre Museum... The Louvre was the royal seat of the French kings from the medieval period (this was the site of a chateau or castle) right up until Louis the XIV, Le Roi Soleil, who moved it to Versailles. It was given to the French people as a Museum and now houses works like Da Vinci's Mona Lisa and artifacts like the Winged Victory of Samothrace from the Greek ruins in the Mediterrainean.

That is all for now... I will put up more pictures really soon.


It begins! It begins!

RSD Scene 78, Shot 01, Take 01... *clack*

Rolling..... and Action!

Yup! Red Street Diner has entered its production phase and as script supervisor I get to do the cool stuff... i.e. Clacking the clapper board... Also I am the unofficial designated still photographer - and releasing the 1 daily photograph on the RSD Blog!

So head over there and have a good read on the progress and ongoing developing story (CNN like voice) of the RED STREET DINER

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Unsettled in Singapore...

It has been a dull day - cloudy for the most part... but nevertheless a day of rest bestowed upon me, a solitude most welcome amidst the din of life rushing by...

Never have I had the time to sit down to look back in retrospect - at least for the past 1/2 year or so - ever since my journey to the Highlands. I never ever seem to have to time nor the ability to have some quiet time - I fear that the din of work, obligation and just plain irritation tend to overshadow all else...

Not today, not today - perched on the balcony on the 11th floor of Sheraton Towers in Singapore - where I have regained some semblance of peace and quiet. Very quiet in fact... so much so the flutter of a newpaper next to the air inlet the primary background noise. But nevertheless, the peace is unsettling - for it grants me a clarity of mind - a break in the clouds...

Why am I doing here so far away from where my heart sits all those lonely miles away between the cliffs of the Atlantic Ireland? What should the future holds for one who is not whole - neither here nor there? What should I do to alleviate the pangs of distance of one I so love? Where can be the middle ground where we can live- and let live?

In career (with reservations about the stupidity and total ineffectiveness of my workplace), in money, in enjoyment, in friends I lack not - climbing up (or rather being placed on a pedestal) to being a manager of a fast growing firm at 26 years of age, Friends that are lifelong and eminently loyal and caring crowds around me, wages that are above average for Malaysian standards, food around every corner... travel in every quarter...

But why am I unsettled? Why am I miserable at times, melancholic in others? I fear the answer stands stark before me, towering above a plain of gray nothingness...

I am not whole - and will never be unless...



I have my tiny little lady by my side...


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Doing time...

Contrary to what your may believe... doing time does not have to be in a prison - it can be in a place, in any place where you feel as if you are in exile... it can be when you are missing someone or something very special.

I woke up today miserable - clutched in the hands of desperation. I live in a world of the constant buzz of work, of cars lined up behind one another - of people rushing into buildings, in the temporal space between meetings...

I live in a world where everyone wants to have results at the push of a button, a world of raised hands frantically gesturing at the waiter - in a world of information crossing continents in a blink of an eye... a world where clear liquids can be explosives, where man is the hunter and the hunted...

All these fade into the background as I sat down staring at empty tables in a nearly empty restaurant - with waiters shuffling about in a almost hushed silence and a boy walked over to a girl with a soft blond hair and rosy cheeks, asking for her number and glad to have bumped into her again after all these years.

An almost surreal reality settled into place as the same boy nervously hold a bunch of flowers in a crowded airport, looking for the same blond hair and rosy cheeks - settling down for a cup of coffee amidst an oppresive silence.

Images blurred as rivers flow by, waiters ran between tables, different tables flashed in and out - flitting from restaurant to restaurant. Lights change - yellow, orange, green and yellow. Backdrops change - blurring faster than the blink of an eye - Sydney, London, Madrid, Dublin - opera house, cliff top, river bank.

Everything fades to black but one pair of rosy cheeks, one pair of brown eyes, one small tiny mouth, two tiny hands... petite yet towering amidst shrinking buildings, pale yet colourful in the fading lights...

I guess that I am home in the presence of my beloved... all is still and all shall remain still...

until the end of days...

Fighting a 3 fronted war...

There is an ancient saying that goes like this...

"Only an idiot will fight a two fronted war, and a madman to fight one on three sides..."

I guess I am a little mad at this point...

One side is my work, another is my family and the other someone really close to my heart...
How can I accomodate work requirements with family requirements when they clash? What can I do when family interests comes against my work interests? How can I reach out for my beloved's interest when I am mired in this neverending circle of obligation?

It is my sad realisation that amidst all these, I have lost my very own voice in everything... and here I am fighting a three fronted war, screaming in silence... gagged by obligation and anchored in an ever darkening world I no longer wished to be part of...

I must be a madman fighting a three fronted war

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Am I a begger? Am I a leader?

This was the question I woke up with this morning... after a 12 hour sleep. This is a direct result in the events of last week...

It was a trying week - one that has drained much of my energy. A pre-launch product training- albeit an extremely successful one, which was unfortunately out of the expectations of my ultimate boss, who expected a full launch. A conniving CEO of the other company I am involved in, who has nothing better to do than to find ways to politically undermine my position.

On top of that, another project that I am involved in... I kinda let my enthusiasm got ahead of me... and I started to badly want a piece of the pie.

So what am I? Am I a begger? or am I a leader?
Should I go forward and assert myself to the people in my office - going directly into war with these people or should I try the path of discretion...

Should I continue to work hard in a project close to my heart but am feeling left out? or should I press my suit forward?

Tough questions for a Sunday...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Expressions... expressions...

Its 1:35 am and I have just completed an entry into this wonderful new blog coming up - the RSD blog that will record the journey of the RSD team. If you are unfamiliar with RSD - it is a Remarkable, Superb and Dynamic project we are currently working on *grin - yeap I am corny!*

The link is rite here

This just came to me right after my post on RSD - I realised that I sound so much more Christian in my writings than when I am talking. I have, to my knowledge, what I would call as a muted personality when it comes to expressing my Christian ideas in person. This is far far different when it comes to expressing myself in type or rather in writing.

I guess this is the way I express myself to you, God - using the written media as a canvas that shall paint to the world your Grace in my life and how much of my life you are in...

Talking about expressions - I garnered today how controlling one's expressions are important especially in public functions.

Tonight I and the other members of our Team Juvenescens (the current project I am working on at - where else? - Work) has finally launched a soft launch into the market. What I can say is that it was a good effort and I would personally applaud everyone involved in this project for the way it is conducted, the success that it is...

However, it has indeed came to my attention the sour face, the bad expression, the complaints, the head shaking and the disparaging comment of ONE particular boss of ours (one least involved or motivated by this project) - and openly in the event! Yes, *sacartiscally* after this performance my respect for you have multiplied manifold (please note the sacarsm) - as you have shown to me once again how not to run a company - how best to belittle another's effort and how NOT to be a boss! Oh, behold the pride of this one person that his way is the one and only way...

Nevertheless, I forgive you (in earnest, although still with a degree of anger) and I pray for God to show His Grace to you so that one day you may show that Grace back to the people that work for you.

In the end, I pray that one day someone will have the courage to reach to you about the Good News - and that you may see neverending unrequited love and unlimited grace. I pray that God shall protect the people that work under you - that they will be shown the grace that has been lacking - and that one day that same grace shall flow from your hands.

But He gives more grace.
Therefore He says:

“ God resists the proud,
But gives grace to the humble.”

James 4:5-7 (New King James Version)

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Memoirs of a Homegrown Roadside Terrorist...

No... Contrary to what you are thinking at the moment - I am not about to pick up a bomb and rush into the nearest western hotel to blow it up...

Although the very picture of an Oversized, Malaysian Chinese Christian Terrorist sounds so out of this world that it makes me crack up...

I am talking about my Driving... or rather the Terror in my driving.

My frens - who I shall decline to name - have been telling me that my driving is getting quite bad... but 1st let me regale you the tale of 1 glorious morning of driving in KL...

My work place is in an industrial area about an hour from my abode. As such I have to get thru 4 highways.. actually 5 highway stretches of which sits an infinite number of fellow malaysian drivers - being a long and often boring journey I decided to take statistics... for that particular day...

1) 12 cars cut into my lane without an indication
2) 26 cars refused to allow me into their lane even when I have set up my indicator
3) On 7 occasions cars hogged the fast lane (i.e. travel really slowly and refusing to move to an empty slower lane

which make me do the following

1) Speed up 12 times denied 12 cars from entering my lane without indication
2) Accelerated over 26 cars once I hit a clear stretch of road
3) On 7 occasions I switched lanes and overtake from the left - twice swinging across 2 lanes...

I think I am getting a wee too much on defensive aggressive driving

Friday, July 21, 2006

Changing of the Page...

Hmmm - 3 posts and counting *grin*

I have decided to change the tired dull look of my blog into something - more classical. I am actually inspired by parchment, wax seals and everything that have this archiac look - call me a hopeless romantic but nevertheless they look really nice.

More is on the way - I have a couple of rantings on the way - I will try to get it up by today.

Catching up on the latest...

1) World Cup Fever is over but I have thing unusual compulsion to head over to a friend's place for a match - in fact I am rather itching to watch any football on the (relatively) big screen again... *sigh* I think I am going to be depressed...

2) Insanity... so close... work is driving me insane...


Writing Diarrhoea

2 posts in one day (actually technically 2)? Wow, it must be something I ate.

It is actually 3am in the morning and at this moment - I am still wide awake... it is rather unfortunate as I have to be at work at 9am tomorrow with work and deadlines looming - life at the moment seems to have an unseemly urgency to it. One can imagine the sword of Damocles hanging over one's head...

All I can say is that my life lacks focus... kinda like my blog - and the stuttering way my blog seems to move... a total lack of direction. What makes me realises this? Remarkably the events in the past 6 days...

Let me recap,
1) Last Saturday, me and some high-school / really old friends met up for a cookout at a friend's place...
2) Last Sunday, was rather unremarkable - with the exception that I followed my mum down to the city and actually walked down the entire length of Petaling Street to get her her incense...
3) Last Monday, work was bad... until the evening when I brought one of my closer friends, his headcaster to meet my colleague and her friend - who happens to be in the F&B / Entertainment Business... the topic at hand was an upcoming movie...
4) Last Tuesday, I fell sick - with a tremendous headache, flu, fever and sore throat - reverted back to porridge and marmite for the 1st time in yonks...
5) Last Wednesday, I went up in flames at the dastardly pace and culture at work. Look the the gigantic mountain that is the work about to be due - raises fist to an uncaring sky...
6) Last Thursday, Flames at work continue - deadlines tomorrow, morons everywhere. Between meetings - looked at potential property. Went to starbucks - restarted blogging. Met up with my best friend over dinner - recap history, reiterated ideals and dreams - met up with a friend of a friend - talked about investment and the future...

Which brings me to this 3:12 am (12 minutes into this post): What is my direction? I have realised the following (in direct reference to the days above)

1) I miss my friends - we don't hang out as much anymore. I miss my girlfriend terribly - I have not have a decent convo with her for weeks, our schedules and time zones being major obstacles.
2) Malaysia is too hot.
3) I admire my friend for his courage of chasing his dreams, gratified that he chose to share it with us, proud to make it one of my own.
4) I hate being sick - I love being away from work. Marmite & Porridge tastes good!
5) Refer to 4). I hate work!
6) I really really need to have a direction to go forward.

So that brings me to? Where?

I must be insane to be up at 3am writing this. This is indeed a rambling and I am probably the maddest cow in the world...

3:16 am: God so loved this world that he gave his one and only son to die so that we who believe in Him may live... and have everlasting life

*grin* I am content.
Tomorrow will be a better day (albeit probably with a headache, 1hr drive to work and eye bags and my girlfriend waking me up at 7am).

3:25 am: And a house divided against itself, the house cannot stand

*sigh* I really need to chart my course.
Tomorrow I shall have to think hard - about my work, my interests in Architecture, my heart 1,000s of miles away in the other end of the world, my 'ownership' of a Really Strong Desire, my finances and my future.

3:30 am: He must increase, but I must decrease

*smile* I shall pray...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Picking up the pen?

"it is once said that life is a long train journey... all of us clutching a class 2 ticket between our thumb and our index finger. The journey can be ardous, it can be monotonous, it can be... tiring and trying - the aircon breaks down... or a particularly beautiful lady will deign to sit beside your hard seat for a little while. A journey punctuated by train stations - where the people you have contact with in your carriage gets on and off..."

Woken out of my reverie by the calling of my name (by the nice barista behind the counter @ Starbucks in Plaza Damas - 20:20 hours on the 20th of July 2006), I wondered thereafter who actually said that - only to have a sudden realisation that I wrote that similar passage for my high school yearbook - not in similar words but rather the entire idea of our life being a train ride - with stations to punctuated the journey - stations with names like "Going to High School", "Leaving High School", "1st Love" and "1st breakup"... I just have to smile at myself...

It has been almost 10 years since I passed the station I mentioned all those years ago - since 1997 - and I wondered what other stations have I passed thru to get to where I am today... "Going to A Levels", "Graduating A Levels", "1st Date", "1st Prom", "University", "Accepting Christ", "3 year long obsession", "end of 3 year long obsession", "Love...", "Be Loved...", "Leaving Australia", "Homecoming..." and many many more little ones in between...

I can't help but to realise what a big web my life has been... my 'train' crisscrossing the landscape that is humanity - and I cannot realise how much has everyone... and God have given me...

I am truly awed...

and besides - it was that moment that I remembered this portal of expression of His goodness *grin* and I shall pick up the pen once again... hopefully this time it will stay in my hands for a long time...

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Travelling again

I am gonna go traveling again *grin* Where you ask? Where Else! (Irelandlar *grin*)

I think I shall start a travelblog *grin*
